The George Bell Hockey Association (GBHA) is a community-based hockey association located in West Toronto. The GBHA is committed to developing safe and inclusive hockey programs for children and youth aged 4 to 20 that are fun and support skills development. We aim to make hockey welcoming and accessible to all - regardless of ability, cultural background, or economic circumstances - to create lifelong engagement in sport and the community.

  • Hockey Operations


  • GBHA Executive

    Our club is governed by a Board of Directors elected by our membership. Board members serve a two year term.

    PRESIDENT - John Bell
    BOARD CHAIR - Shawn O'Connor
    TREASURER - Ian Niven
    SECRETARY - Anver Emon
    DIRECTOR - Brian Cluett
    DIRECTOR - Alice Bell
    DIRECTOR - Sebastien Houde
    DIRECTOR - Kerry Lower
    DIRECTOR - Kim Patel
    DIRECTOR - Maha Touma