1. All games are played under the rules and regulations of Hockey Canada ( The GBHA Executive, at their sole discretion, may modify the playing rules to benefit the registered players of the GBHA.
2. All Head Coaches will be subject to a criminal reference check during their first year with the GBHA and every three years thereafter, for as long as they continue to volunteer with the GBHA.
3. There will be no harassment of officials, coaches, players, convenors, arena staff, or executive before, during, or after games by ANYONE. Any person guilty of such actions may be removed from the Association and barred from the Arena. Under the new Hockey Canada policy, all players require at least one parent to get the Respect in Sport Parent certification.
4. No player will be permitted to participate in any GBHA on ice activity until the player has properly registered and all registration fees are paid in full.
5. Refund requests must be directed to the Registrar. Refunds are issued by cheque only. No refunds on donations. All jerseys/equipment must be returned prior to refund.
6. Players may request releases from the Association up to November 15th of the current season.
7. The GBHA, through its appointed convenors, may move players among teams within their age division to assist with parity between teams.
8. All players must wear full hockey equipment at all times. GBHA officials will remove any player who may, knowingly or unknowingly, be subjecting themselves or others to possible injury through the use of inappropriate or unsafe equipment.
9. Team staff is required to obtain written medical clearance from a certified physician, prior to any player resuming play/practice following any incident, which has led any member of the team staff to suspect the player may have suffered a concussion or any other injury that, in the opinion of the staff member, requires medical attention. Team staff is required to advise the GBHA Executive of any injury requiring medical attention immediately.
10. Division Convenors shall have sole discretion to remove players or coaches for rule infractions from the current game in process. Further suspension may be levied upon approval of the GBHA discipline committee, or league president. Suspensions are levied in good faith for the safety of all participants and re-enforcement of the rules and regulations. Clarification of suspensions at the H/L level will be provided to the player’s coach upon request. Appeals, with the intent of overturning H/L suspensions will not be accepted at any time.
11. Immediate indefinite suspension, until review by the GBHA discipline committee, will be assessed to any player or team official who;
• Uses racial slurs before, during or after any GBHA game or function.
• Fights before, during, or after a game.
• Uses a hockey stick in a dangerous manner that injures, or may have injured, any player, official, or spectator.
12. House League suspensions, at the discretion of the Executive, may carry through to all Select games until the suspension is completed at the House League level.
13. No player will be permitted to participate in a House League game while wearing any part of his/her Select uniform.
14. No player, coach, or equipment, is allowed on the ice following resurfacing until the rink attendants and ice equipment
15. The GBHA plays has a “no contact” league in all age divisions.
• All body checking will be interpreted as an attempt to injure and the offending players team will be assessed a 2-minute penalty and a game misconduct.
• The offending player will be suspended from further play in the game that the penalty was assessed.
• If in the opinion of the referee the body check warrants a 5-minute penalty and game misconduct the offending player shall be suspended for the remainder of the game and the next scheduled game.
• If, upon the recommendation of the timekeeper, referee, Convenor, or Executive member the offense warrants a review, the offending player will be notified of such review 48 hours in advance of the review.
• Further suspension as a result of a committee review will be communicated to the offending player through his coaching staff.
16. Intentional contact with the stick above the height of the waist will be interpreted as an attempt to injure.
• The offending player will be assessed a 2-minute penalty and game misconduct.
• The offending player will be suspended from further play in the game that the penalty was assessed.
• If in the opinion of the referee the infraction warrants a 5-minute penalty and game misconduct the offending player shall be suspended for the remainder of the game and the next scheduled game.
• If, upon the recommendation of the timekeeper, referee, convenor, or Executive member the offense warrants a review, the offending player will be notified of such review 48 hours in advance of the review.
• Further suspension as a result of a committee review will be communicated to the offending player through his coaching staff.
17. Only coaches and assistant coaches approved by the GBHA will be permitted on the bench during scheduled GBHA activities.
18. Players will wait in their respective dressing rooms until the teams playing before them have left the ice and are in their respective dressing rooms.
19. Scheduling and length of games is the sole responsibility of the GBHA Executive. It may be necessary to alter schedules and game lengths due to time constraints, and Association commitments.
The GBHA has codes of conduct for Players, Coaches and Parents.
For Coaches
Use this link to access:
For Players
Use this link to access:
For Parents
Use this link to access:
Process of Complaints